I'm going to dedicate this page to my Lady...'The Crying Angel"
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I have been fascinated over this the Angel ever since I first laid eyes on her. I will share some of my best shots with you .

Image title would go here with information about your image.

I was so excited over the light I was running around shooting and didn't even give any thought to our car.
I can't get over the grace of her every feature.
Just look at her hand it's so real that you think you can see it move.
If you listen carefully you imagine you can hear her crying and sniffling.
If you look closely you can see the years of mold and dirt that have taken up on our Lady. But, she should never be cleaned this is what the artist wanted!
This is the picture that won my heart. I took one look at this and became obsessed with her. my 'Crying Angel' !
Look closely and the date at this stone!
Every time I get to a grave that is from the 16th or the 17th
century it always make me think "We are dead a long time" :(
"So Live a little while you can"
Let me introduce you to the Lorings !
These people lived to a ripe old age and that was not common in those days!
Here lies Little baby Ruth.age one..very sad !
When I shot in the old grave yards I come across a lot of babies.
Ruth here is age 1 .
Here lies William Hersey.
Bill here is just another grave that says " you're going to be dead a long time" .
Home Sweet Home for our ancestors.
These are some pictures of an above ground grave yard in New Orleans !
I had to smile when I was told that these graves were old..Early 1800's .
If any one ever walked through our grave yards they would witness some real oldies but goodies..
These grave yards are just beautiful..
The reason they are above ground is because New Orleans is below sea level.
When it floods the bodies use to float out of the ground and have to be re-buried.
Some times these places can break ones heart !!

Please e-mail me at taximan@attbi.com